
Sunday, September 18, 2005

B got hit by a car on our Adventure Sunday this week. No joke. We were on Minnehaha Parkway and an elderly couple turned into the crosswalk and he got drilled. We had our first ambulance ride, and spent a few hours in ER. He has a broken shoulder, torn jersey, cracked helmet and he said his bike is dead. He was riding the Pacer. It could have been much worse, the doctor joked this was the first time he had seen a biker take on a car and win! He will be on heavy painkillers for awhile, in a sling for the next month, and hopefully it will heal on its own.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Sydney and Madeline have not been able to join us on Adventure Sundays yet. Maybe next summer!

Ronda Says "HI"!

Adventure Sunday on 9/4 was Ang's b-day - so instead of venturing outdoors we went shopping and had everyone over for dinner. Got some great gifts, including hiking gear!

Cake! - Brandon outdid himself. He went to Jerebeck's in St. Paul for cake, and came home with 3. Yes THREE CHOCOLATE CAKES! Needless to say we were eating chocolate for a good week. No complaints from me!

More Interstate State Park. Still figuring out this blog thing - having trouble getting many pics in one post.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Minnehaha Park - this one is right by our house. We missed the Falls on this trip but found them later in the week by bike.
There is an off-leash dog park through part of the park, which was pretty cool. HOWEVER, I don't think we will be taking our dogs any time soon. The smallest dog there could have eaten either of our puppies for a snack, and they were much better (ie: quieter) behaved than our heathens.

More Interstate State Park!

This has nothing to do with Adventure Sundays - but this is our latest big purchase. We stopped into an antique store near us, Odds 'n Ends, and found this buffet. Being that we agreed on a piece of furniture we had to have it. The antique guy gave us a big lecture on 1920s Jacobian - which this is.

Interstate State Park
We went to Interstate State Park, the MN side. The trail was 3.8 miles. Hilly but nothing like Seattle hilly!

This is the trip that started ADVENTURE SUNDAYS! We went to the Stone Arch Bridge, just north of downtown Minneapolis. Gorgeous views, and a piece of history we didn't even know was there until we went to a movie at St. Anthony Main with the Johnsons and Eric started telling us the history.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The First Word
We are just getting organized so that we can get this bloggy thingy rollin!