
Thursday, September 13, 2007


The hydrangea is STILL blooming - and it is absolutely beautiful. The flowers keep getting deeper and deeper shades of pink.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Zoey seems to be fitting in alright with the others, Sydney just stays well out of the craziness (ie: takes his own chair). Madeline plays with her all the time - until Zoey decides to bite Madeline then she runs to us for protection.

Zoey is getting larger by the minute, her idea of toys is any and all weeds and plants in the backyard.

Our hydrangea tree is still blooming. The petals have gone from white, to a blush and now are turning more pink.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Zoey Bella (all of our dogs have middle names, and all of them have hyphenated last names too) is growing by the day. Seems like daily she wakes up a little taller, and a little longer. So far, she has gained about 2.5 pounds in 2 weeks. Quite a bit when she started out with us weighing just under 8 pounds! Her favorite activities are pulling weeds and pulling fur, namely that of the other dogs. Despite that, she is pretty calm, sleeps a lot, and is taking very well to being walked on a leash.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Hydrangea tree we planted to replace the Russian Olive this summer has taken very well to our backyard. We have 10-15 gorgeous blooms. We are hoping the blooms last awhile, they have taken about 2 weeks to fully blossom.

Sydney & Madeline are adjusting pretty well to their new little sister. Zoey has taken to tormenting Maddy, but of course Maddy is holding her own. We will see how long that lasts when Zoey weighs four times what Maddy does!!!
Sydney has taken pretty well to her, as long as she doesn't get too close too often!

We strongly doubt that Zoey will be able to fit in this little resting spot for long! She is doing fantastic, after 1 week she knows the command "come" and responds to her name. We have a long way to go on house training, but we clearly have one smart puppy on our hands!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More Zoe! She has had a very busy day going to get her collar/leash, identification, see the vet, see her grandma! She is going to be TIRED tonight!


Zoe is a 6 week old Bernese Mountain Dog with a very docile, loving personality. Currently she is about 6-7 pounds, but that won't last long! One of her paws is about the size of two of Sydney or Madeline's!!!!

Her parents are from Hungary and are from Champion lineage. Lucky for us we saw them both and they are both small. Of course small is relative....

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Ahhh - the pic says it all!

Happy 81st birthday Grandma!

Thursday evening races at the Velodrome in Blaine - scary biking!! We saw one wipe out - and a 53 year old racer kick the butts of all the younger ones out there all night long!

B had a business trip in CO last week - pure heaven!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

We hiked at Crosby Farm last week. Great spot to take the dogs, just under 3 miles, all paved. It is right in St. Paul and is being preserved in its current condition - pretty cool to find right in the city!

We (IE: Brandon) built a fantastic raised bed around the new hydrangea tree!